AromaSharing 2022 Specials

Learn best practices, advice and tips from other Raindroppers.

  • You’ll meet grandmothers, moms, Raindrop Practitioners and other  wellness providers who share their golden nugget of wisdom about Raindrop.
  • Learn more about techniques, body systems and tools, meet the author and so much more!
  • Get specials reserved just for All Things Raindrop Members from our Raindrop Tool Creators.
  • All of this for less then one sweet, fancy coffee drink a month!

Become a member and learn more HERE!

You learned Raindrop, but how you have questions.  From my 16 years of experience, I’ll answer some of the most common questions like…

  • How do I give Raindrop to my sister who is pregnant?
  • How can I give a Raindrop if I don’t have a massage table?
  • How can I give Raindrop to my toddler?
  • What if my friend detoxes from a Raindrop, what do I do?
  • Can I give Raindrop to my mom who is diagnosed with cancer?
  • and more…

You’ll also have the option to watch videos and jot down thoughts on the “Notes Pages” in the book.  Refer to them when needed!

Learn more and get a Special Coupon for when the book is published!!!   Add your email HERE!


One of the original best sellers!

  • Solving a common problem for many Raindroppers.  You love giving Raindrop, but when you do your neck, back and shoulders hurt.
  • This online program will teach you in one weekend the correct way to stand and move at a massage table so your body doesn’t end up hurting!
  • You’ll be able to give more Raindrops and do a better job!
  • This is an online program, so you’ll get access right away – no shipping either!

Learn more and start the program HERE!

Run out of an oil?  Never panic again!

  • Get your Quick Guide to Raindrop Replacement Oils!  Print it off and add it to your notes.  When you run out of an oil, grab your Quick Guide.  It will give you 3 options of other oils to use!
  • Plus, you’ll get oily tips and tricks from me sent to your email.  A great way to keep in touch!

Get your Quick Guide HERE!

Thanks for stopping by and scrolling all the way to the bottom of the page! laughing  Questions?  Feel free to send me an email.