When you are not in pain, you’ll give a better Raindrop, you’ll be able to pay attention to your receiver and you’ll be able to give more Raindrops!
Hi, I’m Christina and like you I love Raindrop!
I’ve been teaching and offering this technique for over 10 years. One thing I have noticed is that when people take a Raindrop class their focus is on their hands. They work hard to make sure they are learning and doing all the techniques used in Raindrop correctly. This makes it easy to forget what the rest of your body is doing!
Not many people are aware that how you stand while giving a Raindrop will have a huge effect on how your body feels.
If you have incorrect posture, then you are going to feel it in your back and neck. You might experience this body pain while you are giving the Raindrop or you might be dealing with it a day later.
You shouldn’t be in pain because you gave a Raindrop, right!
In these videos I’ll show you how to stand and move at a massage table so that you will have better posture, which will lead to no body pain for you!
When you know how to move at a massage table, you’ll find that your movements will be easier and more fluid, you’ll also feel more confident. If you find yourself rubbing your back, shoulders or neck after giving a Raindrop, then this is the class for you. Look at what you’ll learn below.
Part One: Start Here!
- Welcome and download notes.
Part Two: Start out Right!
- Set Your Table to the Correct Height
- Feathering Straight to Sides
Part Three: Posture and Movement for Each Technique
- Foot VitaFlex
- Feathering and Arched Feather Strokes
- Facing the Table Techniques (Finger Circles, Stretch and Shake, Thumb VitaFlex, Saw Maneuver, Palm Slide)
Part Four: It Doesn’t End Here!
- All the Benefits You Receive from Giving a Raindrop!
- What To Do If You Are You Still in Pain 🙁
- Facing the Table Techniques (Finger Circles, Stretch and Shake, Thumb VitaFlex, Saw Maneuver, Palm Slide)
Part Five: It Doesn’t End Here!
- More Resources for You.
Part Six: Your Feedback is Appreciated!
- A few quick questions.