The Practitioner’s Corner
Are you looking for more support for your Raindrop Practice? You’ll find it here!
Members get 24/7 Access to:
- All the online classes/collections.
- The Resourse Video Library to prepare for you next Receiver.
- Research topics with key words.
- Quartly “Deep Dives” on one topic.
- A supportive group of Raindroppers.
About The Resource Video Library:
I have received so much valuable insight into physical, emotional and spiritual health from holding these “Raindrop Chats”. I can’t wait for you to view them! I’m excited to hear how these 15-20 minute videos support your Raindrop journey and wellness practice.
In the “Resource Video Library” you have access to all the instructional videos, interviews and resources that are organized into Collections along with #keywords. This will make it easy for you to find and access when you need it, eliminating the hunting and searching that is typical of Face Book groups. Simply use the “Search Bar” using key words to bring up a list of videos and comments on that topic.
You are encouraged to add your thoughts, resources and share your experiences on that topic below the video. Can you imagine the amount of resources we will collect in time? Not only will you get insight from the Raindrop Chat, but you’ll be able to read the comments from everyone else in this group who has added their knowledge.
Another resource is the Community ChatRoom. You are welcome to bring up a question, do some brain storming with peers or share your wins for the day.
You’ll have 24/7 access to all of it so that you can view all of the information on your schedule, on any device.
About the Classes/Collections:
Are you a new Certified Raindrop Technique Specialist/Licensed Spiritual Healer and wondering what you should purchase? Check out “Table Tips“as it answers all your table, sheet, bolster questions.
Or perhaps you are ready to get your website up, but concerned about cost? Then, check out “A FREE Website!” One more reason I love ABMP, you get a free website. Learn all the details here and I’ll help you set yours up! When you take this class, you can have a website all ready in a weekend.
Maybe you have been offering Raindrop for a while, but need help figuring out who your ideal client is. “Clarify the Focus of Your Wellness Practice” is ideal for you.
Quarterly “Deep Dives”:
Members will always have access to the Quartly Deep Dives, which will walk you through one of the classes/collections. We’ll cover a further on the topic, you’ll be able to ask questions and you’ll be working on a skill with other Raindroppers. Get additional support and encouragment so you get it done!
You are not alone on this journey!