When I first learned Raindrop in 2005 I focused on the HOW of the techniques.
I wanted to master all the techniques, just like my Raindrop students do.
How do I do VitaFlex, Stretch & Shake, Saw Maneuver etc. correctly?
That is the intention behind a Raindrop class, isn’t it?
No matter if you’ve learned Raindrop by a video, in an hour class, at a large convention or 8 hour training, you need to learn the HOW first before you go any further.
once I became skilled at the techniques and started teaching Raindrop, I found myself on the next level of mastery. I began to question WHY these techniques are used. I wanted to fully understand the purpose behind each technique.
“Technique Intentions” puts together those years of experience, study and mentorship.
This course is for people who like me, want to fully understand the WHY behind all the techniques used in Raindrop.
In this training I’ll explain to you the intentions behind each of the techniques used in Raindrop. I’ll also give you visual tips and cues to let you know that you are achieving those intentions.
I want to share my years of research and “ah-ha’s” with you because I believe that once you understand the WHYS or the intentions behind each technique you’ll be more purposeful in your application of the techniques and you’ll feel more confident. This will lead to improved outcomes and happier receivers!
Part One: Start Here!
- Welcome and download notes.
Part Two: Techniques Used in Raindrop
- Feathering along the Spine
- Feathering Straight to Sides
- Finger Circles
Thumb VitaFlex Along the Spine
Finger Straddle / Saw Maneuver
Stretch & Shake
Application of Base Oil
Palm Slide
Arched Feather Strokes
Moist Heat Pack