During Raindrop class, there is often someone who says, “The first time I learned Raindrop, I was taught a different way.”

One reason why you and I may include different techniques when doing Raindrop is because Young Living would make changes in their Raindrop Technique.  Then, they would share that new version in their Raindrop kit.

If you are an old timer, you may remember that a VHS came with the Raindrop Kit. On this VHS was a movie of Gary demonstrating the Raindrop Technique. In time, the VHS changed to a DVD and then that was updated to an online video. (I couldn’t find any of my VHS videos, do you still have yours?)

Often, at the same time the technology was updated, the demonstrations were changed a bit too. The changes stemmed from what was going on with legislation. I remember one time we had the moist heat pack in the YL demonstration and then it was taken out when someone was sued for practicing hydrotherapy.

This was simply Young Living’s way of protecting you and the company.

But, that explains why some people may incorporate different techniques and others do not. They may have learned different techniques.

Another reason we may practice our techniques differently is simply because these are techniques that are handed down from member to member.  Just like the “telephone game”, as information is passed on, it gets changed slightly.

Did you know that C.A.R.E. (Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education) Instructors meet every year to check on our techniques.  Yup, we check each others skills to make sure we are still teaching the same techniques in our VitaFlex and Raindrop classes.  That way, we will all be consistent in what we teach!

Have you found that your techniques are different from other Raindroppers?

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